Charged Electric Vehicles Magazine
Issue 57 – Sept/Oct 2021



Rocsys robots help to make EV fleet charging more reliable

Originally designed with autonomous vehicles in mind, Rocsys’s robotic charging arm has attracted interest from fleet operators. Netherlands-based Rocsys makes robotic devices that allow EVs to be charged without human intervention (see the feature in our January/February 2020 issue). When we hear about robotic charging, the application that typically springs to mind is charging autonomous… Read more »


Q&A with CharIN North America President: It’s all about interoperability

Interoperability—the ability of products from different manufacturers to work together—is one of the most fundamental enablers of our technological society. From low-tech tools such as screwdrivers and wrenches to digital constructs like computer operating systems, interoperability is critical, and the lack of it is often a roadblock to the adoption of new technologies. As EVs… Read more »

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