Search Results Found For: "Plug and Charge"

German Environment Minister prefers a Model S

It’s not unusual for government officials to drive EVs. Elected officials in Norway, Switzerland, the US and several other countries proudly drive on electrons. Even the USA’s Climate Change Denier-in-Chief reportedly owns a Model S. However, when the Environment Minister for the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia bought a Tesla Model S as his official… Read more »

Data shows what we all knew: The auto industry isn’t advertising its EVs

It has long been apparent to EV journalists (or to anyone who watches TV or reads magazines) that automakers have little interest in advertising their plug-in models – we’re inundated with car ads every hour of every day, but the clever commercials seldom mention the 30 or so EVs and PHEVs that are theoretically available… Read more »

Pacific Gas & Electric to deploy 7,500 charging stations in northern California

The California Public Utilities Commission has unanimously voted to approve Pacific Gas & Electric’s Charge Smart and Save charging infrastructure program. The $130-million project will deploy 7,500 charging stations across northern California, primarily at multi-family dwellings and workplaces. PG&E has agreed to install 15 percent of the charging stations in disadvantaged communities, and aims to… Read more »

Chroma Systems Solutions invests in the next generation of EV testing products

One major challenge that the EV industry has had to overcome is figuring out how to test its new products. No matter how great and innovative you think your new design is, if you can’t adequately test it, how do you know it’s truly great? Until recently, there were no standard operating procedures for testing… Read more »

2017 Prius Prime: Toyota launches an all new PHEV that some call “the best Prius ever”

The Toyota Prius is a historic vehicle by any measure. It was the first hybrid to be mass-produced, and it remains the only one to achieve truly mass-market popularity – since it first went on sale in Japan in 1997, it has sold nearly six million units in over 90 worldwide markets. Toyota introduced the… Read more »

ITT Cannon introduces new fast charging hardware to the next generation of EVs

The future of the EV industry is bright. We’re losing count of all the planned EVs that automakers have in the pipeline. And it seems increasingly likely that they will follow through with those plans. If there’s one thing everyone agrees on, it’s that all EVs in the near future will have a range of… Read more »

Will America maintain its EV lead?

Here at Charged, we believe EVs are for everyone, regardless of political leanings. While we certainly comment on government policies that we feel are pro- or anti-EV, we avoid endorsing any particular candidate or party. However, America has elected a new president who has promised a radical change from the policies of the past eight… Read more »

Study: Consumers want optimized charging, renewables, V2G

A national survey of consumer attitudes towards plug-in vehicles suggests that people would prefer control to convenience in many charging scenarios, and that most want to be able to choose renewable energy. For “Consumer Preferences for the Charging of Plug-In Electric Vehicles,” researchers Brandon Schoettle and Michael Sivak of the University of Michigan Transportation Research… Read more »

New coalition aims to energize New Jersey’s EV scene

An assortment of EVSE companies, auto dealers, utilities and environmental advocates has launched a new coalition to jump-start EV adoption in New Jersey. ChargEVC’s mission is to promote policies that replace legacy cars with plug-in vehicles, in order to reduce harmful emissions, strengthen the utility grid, lower electricity rates, reduce transportation costs and a diversify… Read more »

New report highlights five years of growth in Oregon’s electromobility industry

The state of Oregon is an enthusiastic adopter of EVs, second only to California. A new report released by the trade group Drive Oregon explores the achievements of the state’s EV industry over the past five years, and discusses market trends that are shaping the sector’s future. The new report notes that sales of EVs… Read more »