Search Results Found For: "electric buses"

Ultracapacitors creep into automotive

Maxwell looks to leverage its early ultracapacitor experience into a ubiquitous, low-cost, high-volume complement to batteries. Power sources like internal combustion engines and advanced battery packs work great as continuous suppliers of energy. But during the highest peak loads, both sacrifice efficiency attempting to meet the power delivery demands. And pushing these devices to their… Read more »

Erik Spek on battery abuse testing, improving safety, and developing standards

(This article originally appeared in Charged Issue 7 – MAR/APR 2013) Q&A with Erik Spek: The Chief Engineer at TÜV SÜD Canada on battery abuse testing, improving safety, and developing standards. When analyzing the current state of lithium-ion technology, it helps to look back at the development of the nickel metal hydride battery (NiMH). Some argued that hybrid automotive… Read more »

German researchers seek to demonstrate that EVs are cheaper than ICEs

Do the lower operating costs of EVs justify their higher purchase prices compared to legacy gas-burning vehicles? That question may have no definitive yes-or-no answer (it depends on an individual’s driving habits), but more data is always welcome. The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, in cooperation… Read more »

Find your niche: Balqon Corporation targets short haul drayage tractors

Electric vehicles (EVs) have their partisans and detractors. Supporters see the be-all and end-all transportation solution, while opponents argue the technology is too young. Somewhere between the two extremes lies the truth: today’s commercially available EVs have strengths and weaknesses compared to internal combustion engine (ICEs). The strong points include lower operating costs and lack… Read more »

Russians and Chinese team up to build world’s largest battery factory

Liotech, a joint venture between Russian state-owned firm Nanotechnologies (RUSNANO) and Chinese holding company Thunder Sky Limited, held an opening ceremony this week for what they claim is the world’s largest lithium-ion battery factory. The sprawling 40,000-square-meter plant near Novosibirsk was built in nine months – probably less time than it would take just to secure the building… Read more »