Charged Electric Vehicles Magazine
Issue 61: July-September 2022

Power electronics thermal limits and how to not exceed them
To someone who isn’t involved in power electronics design, it might seem unreal that the amount of power a component can handle depends more on how effectively waste heat can be removed from it than it does on the specific electrical ratings. Sure, the voltage and current ratings are important (especially the voltage rating), but… Read more »

Cadillac’s ambitious move to an all-electric luxury brand by 2030
The car that once advertised itself as “The Standard of the World” will go all-electric. Can the US luxury brand reinvent itself for a modern era…and for China? Among cutting-edge automotive buyers—the glitterati of Los Angeles, the tech millionaires of Silicon Valley, the finance titans of Wall Street—only one Cadillac is widely recognized. It’s a… Read more »

TWAICE battery analytics platform promises enormously valuable insights at every point in a battery’s lifecycle
How healthy is your battery pack? As the old saw goes, if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it. As the EV ecosystem develops, there will be an increasing need to measure and manage the performance of battery cells. Cell manufacturers need a standardized way to evaluate test data for new cells; EV designers… Read more »

The redesigned federal EV tax credit and other EV-related measures
Unpacking the Inflation Reduction Act The recent passage of the Inflation Reduction Act—a sweeping package of tax, health care and climate measures—was like the happy ending to one of those heartwarming “Save Christmas” stories. We may never know what Machiavellian machinations persuaded Senator Manchin to release Santa Claus, but the merry old elf is coming… Read more »

ConnectDER and Siemens Partner to offer a simple and clever solution for Level 2 charging installations
ConnectDER’s meter collar working together with Siemens’s charging station could save up to 80 percent of installation costs Getting set up to charge an EV at home is easy and affordable—except when it isn’t. For many, especially those who live in older homes, installing a home Level 2 charging station may require an upgrade to… Read more »