Search Results Found For: "toyota lobby"

Thousands petition Toyota to cease anti-EV lobbying efforts

It’s an open secret that, even as automakers announce ambitious plans for new EV models, and air EV ads featuring smiling grandparents, the companies actively fight against the kind of government regulations that are forcing them to produce EVs in the first place. Corporate watchdog SumOfUs recently delivered a petition to Toyota signed by more… Read more »

Toyota joins US public EV charging network IONNA

As regular Charged readers know, Toyota’s electrification strategy blows hot and cold—in Q2 2024, its EV share of total US brand sales was abysmal—below 2%, lower than any other major automaker save fellow laggard Honda/Acura. However, even as it continues to lobby against emissions standards and spread misinformation about EVs, the giant automaker is researching… Read more »

EnergyHub adds Toyota to its roster of auto brands enabled for utility EV incentive programs

Distributed Energy Resource Management provider EnergyHub works with some 60 utilities in North America to manage distributed energy resources. Customers of utilities that partner with EnergyHub can take advantage of several types of programs for EV drivers, including managed charging and EV-specific time-of-use rates. EnergyHub’s system works with numerous charging providers and “all leading EV… Read more »

Volkswagen quits Australian auto industry lobby over emissions standards

As regular Charged readers know, when it comes to EVs, legacy automakers tend to follow two tracks—while preparing for the transition, and telling the media about how committed they are to electrification, they simultaneously participate in trade groups that actively lobby against emissions standards and other pro-EV regulations. Volkswagen Australia has broken with this trend—the… Read more »

Should we be excited about Toyota’s solid-state battery announcement?

When it comes to EVs, the mainstream press displays a curious mix of skepticism and credulousness (disasters and miracles generate clicks, but slow, steady progress does not). A recent announcement from Toyota concerning solid-state batteries got the world’s media all excited about a big boost for battery-electric cars. (A search for “EV Holy Grail” will… Read more »

Does Toyota’s BEV Factory really represent a new direction?

Toyota has a credibility problem when it comes to e-mobility. The giant automaker’s corporate right hand pursues a number of EV initiatives around the world, while its left hand continues to spread misinformation and lobby against pro-EV policies. Many are hopeful that the recent changes in the company’s executive suite portend a new, more electric… Read more »

Toyota lobbies Australian government for loopholes in fuel efficiency standards

Toyota is a tireless anti-electrification campaigner—the world’s largest automaker is also the world’s third most diligent lobbyist against climate and clean air regulations, according to data compiled by InfluenceMap—behind only oil giants Chevron and ExxonMobil. As Toyota falls farther behind its competitors in the e-mobility market, it spreads misinformation about EVs and actively lobbies against… Read more »

Will Toyota’s new CEO bring the company up to speed on EVs?

For the past few years, automotive pundits have been puzzling over the question of how one of the industry’s most innovative companies somehow failed to emerge from the 20th century. Toyota’s Prius was a historic vehicle, an important milestone on the road to electrification—and it’s sold a few million units to boot. More recently, alas,… Read more »

Toyota to invest $5.6 billion to boost EV battery production in Japan and North Carolina

Toyota, that most enigmatic of major automakers, is slowly increasing investment in its struggling electrification efforts, even as it continues to lobby against government climate action, and sings the praises of ICEs in its corporate communications. The company recently announced plans to invest an additional $2.5 billion in a US facility that will manufacture batteries… Read more »

What does the bZ4X recall and buyback mean for Toyota’s EV efforts?

What on Earth is going on at Toyota? It was bizarre enough that the company that introduced the ground-breaking Prius (and has since sold over 15 million hybrids) had in recent years pursued a flat-earth strategy, bad-mouthing EVs at every opportunity and lobbying hard against government climate measures. Then came the news that the world’s… Read more »