Search Results Found For: "ISO 15118"

California’s big three utilities submit proposals to increase access to EV infrastructure

January 20 was an important day for transportation electrification in California. That was the deadline for the state’s three major investor-owned utilities (IOUs) to submit applications for major upgrades to electric transportation infrastructure. California’s Senate Bill 350 (2015) requires the IOUs to establish programs that will increase “access to the use of electricity as a… Read more »

Center for Sustainable Energy to develop platform for integrating EV charging with the grid

The California Energy Commission has awarded a $1.5-million grant to the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) to develop a platform for integrating EV charging with utility-scale energy systems. CSE will work with charging network operator KnGrid to create a standardized data platform using the ISO/IEC 15118 standard. “By leveraging an international standard for how EVs… Read more »

Argonne National Labs hosts the Interoperability Olympics

At Argonne National Labs, the pursuit of greater compatibility between DC fast charger EVSE and EVs connected some dots between industry standards and industry stalwarts. America’s first national lab, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), has always been steeped in the purpose of discovering and developing sustainable energy sources for promoting national security and prosperity. While the… Read more »

Fraunhofer ESK develops communication interfaces for energy management

Vehicle-grid integration is one of the hottest topics in the EV world, with pilot projects cropping up all over the globe. The relationship between EVs and the electrical grid is complex – charging must be managed to avoid overloading local grids, but on the other hand, EVs and/or used EV batteries can help utilities to… Read more »