Search Results Found For: "chargepoint"

What we know about Collaboratev

Reporting on the charging industry is a tough gig. It’s incredibly nuanced. Every question we ask the experts leads to three more questions. It turns out that when you take hardware, software, networks, protocols and panels, then mix in some public funding, you get endless opinions.  We’ll attempt to clarify two issues in the thick… Read more »

EVs in paradise: plug-ins and island markets

Islands make perfect EV habitats. Driving distances are generally short, and the need to ship supplies from the mainland keeps gas prices high. Also, islands around the world face a lot of environmental challenges, and many island economies depend on tourism, so the level of green consciousness tends to be high. Island governments around the… Read more »

The Ocean State gets 50 new charging stations

Rhode Island will install a network of up to 50 EV charging stations over the next three months, and will begin converting the state fleet to alternative fuel vehicles, thanks to a joint effort of the state and federal governments, charging station installer ChargePoint and electric utility National Grid. “Supporting electric vehicle transportation in Rhode… Read more »

Workplace charging: employers face a maze of issues when considering EV charging

The charging experts talk workplace EVSE: free vs fee, Level 1 or 2, ROI, networking and more.  After charging an EV at home, the workplace is the next logical locale to “fill ‘er up.” It’s a place where vehicles generally spend long hours parked. It’s a predictable daily route. And with access to charging at… Read more »

Stuck in the MUD: Multi-unit dwellings present major obstacles to EV ownership

The San Francisco Bay Area is widely considered ripe with potential for early and widespread adoption of EVs. Area residents are generally progressive, environmentally concerned, and technologically literate. The area was an epicenter of electric vehicle deployment during California’s earlier EV Mandate era, and nearly 50 years ago the Electric Auto Association was founded by… Read more »

Retroactive federal tax credit now available for EV charging stations

If we’re going to drive off a cliff, at least we can do so with our batteries fully charged. As part of the agreement that slammed on the brakes just short of the so-called “fiscal cliff,” the federal government reinstated a tax credit for EV charging stations that had expired at the end of 2011…. Read more »