Protective Coatings for EV Electronics

Presented by:

  • Brent Frizzell, Electronics & Automotive Market Manager, Specialty Coating Systems

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Oct 3, 2023, 12:30 pm EDT

Electronics are critical to the safety and functionality of a vehicle, but what happens if the electronics fail? The vehicle may stop unexpectedly on the interstate—or worse, overheat and cause thermal runaway. Designing a robust electronic system can prevent these scenarios from happening.

There are many factors that can cause electronics to fail, including moisture ingress, component corrosion and electrical short. Protective conformal coatings like silicone, acrylic and Parylene are some of the most commonly used in the automotive/EV market today. These coatings mitigate the risk of electronics failure and help ensure an overall robust system and passenger safety.

This session will primarily focus on the conformal coatings commonly used on electronics in power inverters, battery management systems and charging stations.

Now available to watch on-demand: Register for this webinar to watch a recording of the presentation and audience Q&A.

All Sessions: April 2024 Conference

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