Call for Articles – Charged EVs Magazine

How to get published in Charged


What we're looking for:

Are you in the EV industry?
We’re seeking research findings, lessons learned, technical concepts explained, industry insights, and innovative new products from all corners of the EV industry – vehicles, motors, power electronics, components, batteries, ultra-caps, lithium & rare earth metals, EVSE, fleet management, standards & government affairs, etc.  

Our readership:
Charged qualified-subscribers are key decision makers throughout the electric vehicle industry, from small start-ups to the biggest automakers, independent design firms to Tier One suppliers, government officials and fleet managers. In addition to our rapidly growing qualified-subscriber list, Charged is distributed to the attendees of all the leading electric vehicle industry trade shows and is available online.

Suggested writing style:
Please submit articles in a magazine column style. If you have previously published white papers, discuss and explain the content in an editorial-style column that is easily approachable to someone outside your field of expertise. Technical details (specs, equations, advanced engineering discussions) are welcome and encouraged in a sidebar format that is referenced to within the article. 

Editorial vs. Advertorial:
We are looking for editorial – opinions and discussions from your point of view in the EV industry. Advertorial is an advertisement for products or services that is designed to look like editorial (but doesn't fool anyone).  

To submit articles, discuss topics, or for more information contact us at


Ethics Statement and Coverage Policy
As the leading EV industry publication, Charged Electric Vehicles Magazine often covers, and accepts contributions from, companies that advertise in our media portfolio. However, the content we choose to publish passes only two tests: (1) To the best of our knowledge, the information is accurate, and (2) it meets the interests of our readership. We do not accept payment for editorial content, and the opinions expressed by our editors and writers are in no way affected by a company’s past, current, or potential advertisements. Furthermore, we often accept articles authored by “industry insiders,” in which case the author’s current employment, or relationship to the EV industry, is clearly cited. If you disagree with any opinion expressed in the Charged media portfolio and/or wish to write about your particular view of the industry, please contact us at