Have You Considered Modular Instruments For Automated Cell Quality Testing?

Presented by:

  • Michiharu Kubo, Business Manager for Battery Production Test, NI (now part of Emerson)

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Mar 12, 2025, 9:30 am EDT

Many cell-quality test instruments are on the market, but most are traditional box instruments that require instrument control from the host machine and are not optimized to automate tests and reduce test time. For high-volume production test applications, modular instruments are best suited to automate tests and optimize test time; however, they tend to lack the out-of-box experience to do the first measurements.

Join this session, where we will introduce modular instruments that can be used for cell quality tests in production use cases and explain how to access example measurement test codes, such as OCV, ACIR, and EIS, that provide out-of-box experience to do the first measurements.

All Sessions: March 2025 Conference

March 10-13, 2025: Free to attend!

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