Boundary Testing Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)

Presented by:

  • Dana Deel, Sr. ATE Technical Manager, Chroma

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Sep 18, 2024, 1:00 pm EDT

Electric vehicle charging station manufacturers face a number of challenges, including connectivity issues, component problems, and incompatibility. How do you know if your DC charger can handle the boundary cases it may face in the field? Well, you test. However, testing has its own challenges. Along with testing the charging process and safety mechanisms, one of the most important test items for multi-coupler EVSE products is power sharing or load management testing.

Chroma mitigates challenges with comprehensive EVSE product reliability and operability test coverage for those boundary cases that may cause product failure. Chroma’s EVSE test solution, integrated with the new PowerPro 5 software platform, is now equipped with multi-threaded testing functions and can simultaneously simulate up to four vehicles with identical or different communication protocols.

In this presentation, you will learn how to ensure EVSE product reliability and operability is at its optimum before field issues arise. For example, how to control the EVSE to output multiple connectors at the same time based on specified test conditions as well as simulate plugging in at different times to test the equipment’s power sharing capabilities. This test scenario provides realism and, compared to conventional single-coupler testing, reduces the overall testing time by up to 40%, significantly expanding test capacity.

Now available to watch on-demand: Register for this webinar to watch a recording of the presentation and audience Q&A, and download the presentation slides.

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