Search Results Found For: "Model Y"

VIDEO: Tesla demonstrates Model S battery swap

Tesla’s entire business model is built on succeeding where others have failed, so it was perhaps inevitable that it would make a go of the controversial process of battery swapping. Proponents say swapping eliminates one of the major objections to EVs: long charge times. Skeptics say it’s a complicated and cumbersome way to address an… Read more »

Tesla recalls some Model S vehicles to fix latch on passenger seat

Oh my God, a recall! Is this it for Tesla? Is this pie-in-the-sky liberal fantasy going to crash to the ground, taking trillions of taxpayer dollars and, perhaps, all of Western civilization, with it? Well, not this time, apparently. The recall concerns a mounting bracket for the left-hand latch of the second row seat, which… Read more »

May plug-in sales: LEAF regains the lead, Volt and Model S battling for second

US plug-in sales set no new record in May, but the total of 7,554 units wasn’t too far behind the all-time monthly sales record of 8,559, set in December of 2012.

VIDEO: Elon Musk says third-generation Tesla will be about 20% smaller than Model S

Star entrepreneur Elon Musk gave a lengthy and wide-ranging interview at this week’s D11 Conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, California. Interviewers Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher question Musk from the standpoint of someone who isn’t familiar with Tesla or with EVs in general, so he includes a brief primer on the EV scene. He explains… Read more »

Porsche to offer hybrid option on all future models

All future Porsche models will be available in hybrid versions, Daniel Semmer said at the company’s Panamera Hybrid Technology Workshop. The British magazine Autocar reported that the move is part of a new strategy to reduce fuel consumption at everyday speeds. Porsche has designed a new hybrid module, which combines an electric motor and clutches… Read more »

Will Tesla add battery swap capability to the Model S?

Just as the idea of battery swapping seems to have stalled (its main proponent, Better Place, is retrenching amid hard times, and Nissan’s Carlos Ghosn has poo-pooed the concept) it may get a recharge from the alpha dog of the EV pack. A careful reading of the leaves from Elon Musk’s last cup of tea… Read more »

Consumer Reports: Tesla Model S is the best car since 2007 (VIDEO)

Tired of hearing about a certain California carmaker? Well, sorry. Tesla’s name is all over the press this week, from gushers about stock market success to sour-grapes hit pieces about ZEV credits to tantalizing hints of next-gen batteries and self-driving sedans. However, this is the most important news of all for a prospective Model S buyer: Consumer… Read more »

April plug-in sales: Model S grabs the lead, Volt and Prius drop back

Total plug-in vehicle sales in the US fell back a bit in April (7,239 units sold), after setting an all-time record in March (7,830). It’s starting to be a thrilling race, with the front-runners swapping places, new entrants getting ready to enter the track, and early favorites dropping out. The big news is Tesla, which… Read more »