Search Results Found For: "ABM"

In-Charge Energy is preparing for the coming tsunami of commercial electric trucks

Widespread adoption of electric commercial vehicles has seemed to be just around the corner for several years now. This has been a puzzling and frustrating situation for EV advocates (and even more so for electric truck builders), because the economic case for electrification is strong. Several industry experts have told Charged that the slow progress… Read more »

ALD’s six-channel printed circuit board automatically balances any size supercapacitor

Advanced Linear Devices (ALD), a California manufacturer of analog technology, has created a six-channel supercapacitor automatic balancing (SAB) printed circuit board (PCB). ALD says the board, known as SABMB6, can balance any size supercapacitor with zero added power dissipation. Each PCB can balance up to six supercapacitors stacked in a series, ranging from six to… Read more »

Tesla offers to buy SolarCity (updated: conference call audio)

Elon Musk made a move to consolidate his business empire as Tesla announced an offer to buy SolarCity for around $2.8 billion. Musk is the Chairman of SolarCity, CEO of Tesla, and the largest shareholder of both companies. Musk and Antonio Gracias, who is also on the board of directors at both companies, recused themselves from voting on this proposal…. Read more »

Koch Brothers turn their wrath (and their wealth) on EV subsidies

The good news: EV sales are growing steadily. The bad news: They’ve now grown enough to attract the attention of Big Oil, which is planning a multi-million-dollar counterattack. Citing “refining industry sources,” the Huffington Post reports that a consortium of fossil fuel interests is making plans to form a new advocacy group that hopes to… Read more »

The Electric Vehicle Charging Association, a new trade group for the charging industry

Several prominent firms in the EV charging industry have formed the Electric Vehicle Charging Association (EVCA), a non-profit trade association created to encourage continued innovation in the field, advocate for pro-EV policies, and serve as a resource for information and expertise. The founding members of EVCA are ABM, ChargePoint, Clean Fuel Connection, Envision Solar, EV… Read more »

Tesla names Ricardo Reyes new communications chief

Ricardo Reyes, who headed Tesla’s communications department through the Roadster era, has returned to the company, replacing Simon Sproule as communications chief. Reyes left Tesla in 2012 to work for payment startup Square. His previous gigs included running communications for YouTube and Google. Back at Tesla, Reyes will oversee public relations, customer communications and the… Read more »

How to avoid electrical infrastructure upgrades when installing EVSE

With the falling prices, increasing sales and growing mass-market appeal of plug-in vehicles, more and more facility owners are contemplating EV charging amenities for employees, tenants and visitors. EV infrastructure could become a real competitive differentiator by attracting the desirable EV-driving population. In today’s competitive landscape, facility owners can no longer ignore the idea of… Read more »


Questions?For advertising and sponsorship information, contact:Joel Franke | | 608-293-2576 Who reads Charged? Charged has a highly-engaged audience of readers interested in electric and hybrid vehicle technology and infrastructure. Here’s a small sample of some recent unsolicited accolades from Charged readers: Immediately after we appeared in Charged we noticed a major spike in web traffic on our site… Read more »