Search Results Found For: "EV Connect"

Hydro Québec launches experimental vehicle-to-grid and vehicle-to-home power exchange project

Hydro-Québec, an electric utility which gets most of its power from large hydroelectric plants and other renewable sources, sees electrified transport as a natural complement to its business. Its research division, IREQ, spends $100 million a year on research in various energy-related fields, and has been working on advanced batteries for 30 years. For its latest… Read more »

Why I bought a Volt

I swore I would never buy a new car… and yet, December 23, 2010, I took delivery of my brand new, cyber gray metallic Chevrolet Volt – number 186 off the assembly line – and I couldn’t be happier. The car is amazing. But don’t take my word for it – to date the Volt… Read more »

VIDEO: Audi announces its A3 e-tron pilot program

On Monday, the opening day of TED2012, Audi presented the battery-electric Audi A3 e-tron pilot program, which will be implemented in select cities of the U.S. as a part of the company’s e-mobility driver experience for premium car buyers. Why the slow roll out? We asked Brad Stertz, Audi’s corporate communications manager. “Our program is… Read more »

Neil Young’s Lincoln and the damage done

Rust never sleeps, we’ve heard, and neither do insurance companies when they sense a pot of “gold” ripe for “harvest” (sorry, that was the best we could do). Unigard Insurance is suing a company founded by Neil Young in connection with a 2010 fire that damaged his one-of-a-kind Lincvolt hybrid electric conversion, the Silicon Valley Mercury… Read more »