Search Results Found For: "Plug and Charge"

Electrify America announces second $200-million EV infrastructure investment plan for California

Electrify America has a $2-billion pot of money from naughty Volkswagen to invest in EV infrastructure, education and access programs. $800 of that is to be spent in California. In order to future-proof the program, EA is wisely dividing its investment into four phases. Now the company has announced its second $200-million round of investment… Read more »

Duke Energy plans 530 charging stations in Florida, launches charging study

Duke Energy plans to install up to 530 public charging stations within its Florida service area. Under the Park and Plug pilot program, the chargers will be deployed at multi-unit dwellings, workplaces and locations with high traffic. Ten percent of the new charging stations will be installed in “income-qualified communities.” Charging solution provider NovaCharge will… Read more »

A quiet hit: 2018 Honda Clarity PHEV

Honda sneaks into third place in the PHEV race It’s ironic that Honda, which has long been known for the fuel efficiency of its vehicles, has been a laggard on the long road to electrification. The Japanese automaker launched its Insight Hybrid in 1999, shortly after Toyota introduced the Prius, but sales have been modest… Read more »

California considers an additional $2,000 EV purchase incentive

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) will hold a hearing this week to consider increasing the state’s plug-in vehicle purchase incentive from the current $2,500 to $4,500, in order to compensate for the phase-out of federal subsidies on Tesla and GM vehicles. The $7,500 federal EV tax credit is designed to sunset for each individual… Read more »

Cummins debuts Hybrid PowerDrive suite of PHEV solutions

Cummins (NYSE: CMI) unveiled the PowerDrive, a suite of plug-in hybrid powertrain solutions spanning light, medium and heavy-duty applications, at the recent IAA Commercial Vehicle Show. The Cummins PowerDrive offers both parallel and series capabilities. It replaces the conventional transmission and switches in real time between two hybrid and two pure electric modes, optimizing the… Read more »

Fleet electrification? What’s that? Amazon orders 20,000 fossil-powered vans

Delivery trucks are ideal candidates for electrification, and they deliver long-term cost savings as well as cleaner air and quieter operation. Major fleets around the world, including FedEx and USPS, are testing them. A few operators have already passed the pilot stage, and placed substantial orders: Deutsche Post designed and built its own electric delivery… Read more »

German automakers struggle to find a profitable road to electrification

It has gradually become apparent that Big Auto’s reluctance to embrace EVs is not due to mere Luddism or fear of the future. There are several reasons to believe that electrification will take a major bite out of industry profits, as Daimler execs acknowledged in March. Now Volkswagen has warned that its stated plan to… Read more »