EV startup Canoo seemed to have fallen off the media radar, until a recent volume order for its electric vans brought it back to the headlines. Now the company has announced another high-profile deal, this time with the United States Postal Service (USPS), which, after a decade or two of deliberation, finally appears to be… Read more »
Search Results Found For: "USPS"
GAO says USPS should plan for workplace charging
At long last, the US Postal Service is preparing to add some EVs to its delivery fleet, and is planning to install chargers for these fleet vehicles at some facilities. The Government Accountability Office (a sort of watchdog agency that keeps track of who in the sprawl of government agencies is spending what) has made… Read more »
USPS finally sees the electric light, now plans to deploy over 60,000 EVs by 2028
Postal delivery vehicles arguably represent the perfect use case for EVs: they’re small, they drive short regular routes, and they return to central depots every day. Furthermore, in January 2021, President Biden announced a goal of replacing the massive US federal fleet with US-made electric vehicles, and the US Postal Service, which operates a delivery… Read more »
USPS now says half its first order of new delivery vans will be EVs
In the ongoing War of the Postal Service, the EV advocates appear to have won a partial victory over the fossil fuel faction. In 2021, as the USPS made plans to update its ancient fleet of delivery vehicles, Postmaster and Trump supporter Louis DeJoy thumbed his nose at President Biden’s call to electrify the US… Read more »
States, NGOs, UAW all sue USPS over plans to buy gas delivery trucks
In the latest installment of “As the Postal Service Turns,” 16 US states, 4 environmental groups and the United Auto Workers union have filed lawsuits seeking to block the US Postal Service’s plan to buy mostly gas-powered next-generation delivery vehicles, arguing that the agency failed to comply with environmental regulations. Reuters reports that three separate… Read more »
USPS orders 50,000 new delivery vehicles, 10,019 of them electric
In the latest episode of the soap opera As The Postal Service Turns (a tawdry tale that has been covered extensively in this space), the US Postal Service has doubled the number of EVs it will include in its first order for Next Generation Delivery Vehicles (NGDVs). The initial $2.98-billion order with Oshkosh Defense is… Read more »
USPS: We’ll order EVs if Congress provides funding
In the latest episode of “As the Postal Service Turns,” the future is looking a little greener. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy now says that the USPS is open to electrifying its fleet as long as Congress provides adequate funding. The saga so far: The postal service has been deliberating for a decade over plans to… Read more »
Workhorse drops lawsuit against USPS over vehicle contract
It’s a sad song, but, like the Beatles’ Jude, EV manufacturer Workhorse Group is trying to make it a little better. The company has voluntarily withdrawn a lawsuit that it filed against the US Postal Service, after the agency passed Workhorse over for a multibillion-dollar contract to produce the next generation of mail delivery vehicles…. Read more »
USPS’s environmental impact statement seems designed to justify its timid electrification strategy
Electrifying the US Postal Service fleet would be one of the most effective ways for the federal government to encourage EV adoption (while saving taxpayers billions of dollars and eliminating tons of emissions). However, there is a strong faction at the agency that seems determined to prevent that from happening, and some see the draft… Read more »
US House advances measure to provide $8 billion funding to replace USPS trucks with EVs
The US Postal Service has been deliberating about a modernization of its ancient vehicle fleet for nearly a decade. The odds-on favorite to win the contract was the Workhorse Group, which had proposed an all-electric delivery vehicle, so many were surprised when the USPS awarded the contract to Oshkosh Defense. The surprise turned to outrage… Read more »