Search Results Found For: "Ilika "

Ilika delivers first solid-state batteries to automotive customer

UK-headquartered solid-state battery developer Ilika has shipped its first batch of prototype Goliath batteries for customer testing by a Tier 1 automotive company. The company performed in-house testing of the P1 Goliath prototype batteries beginning in May in a customer-sponsored program. Goliath batteries employ a ceramic electrolyte rather than a liquid one, and are made… Read more »

Ilika leads £8.2-million collaboration with industry experts to develop  automotive solid-state battery

British solid-state battery manufacturer Ilika Technologies is leading a 24-month, £8.2-million Faraday Battery Challenge collaboration project. Code-named HISTORY, the project’s focus is on integrating high-silicon-content electrodes into the company’s Goliath solid-state battery in order to enable automotive-level performance. Ilika will receive a grant of £2.8 million from the project and will partner with the manufacturer… Read more »

Ilika receives £15 million in equity funding to expand EV battery production

With a £5-million grant from the UK Government’s Faraday Battery Challenge Fund, Ilika  Technologies has extended its product roadmap to develop large-format Goliath pouch cells. Another 15 big ones in equity funding was provided by a combination of existing and new UK-based institutional shareholders. Ilika currently produces its Stereax batteries on a pilot line in… Read more »

Ilika and Johnson Matthey partner to develop protected anodes for Li-S batteries

International materials company Ilika, a developer of solid-state batteries, is taking part in a three-year project, led by Johnson Matthey, to develop protected anodes for lithium-sulfur batteries. The project will take advantage of Ilika’s high-throughput materials development technique to discover new electrolyte composition options and fabricate a free-standing, lithium-containing protected anode/separator for integration into pouch… Read more »

After the Northvolt fiasco, is the future of Europe’s EV battery industry bound up with China?

Northvolt, the battery startup founded in 2017 by two Tesla alums, was the Great European Hope that was supposed to free the Continent from dependence on Chinese EV battery production. And for a while, things were really rolling—the company raised billions and formed partnerships with several automakers. It managed to get a couple of facilities… Read more »

Scale up micro-solid-state batteries to large EV cells? It’s not so simple.

Q&A with Ilika Technologies Every other scientist in the battery world seems to be working on commercializing large-scale solid-state batteries for use in EVs. The potential for technical and safety benefits is substantial, so there will be a big pot of gold for those who first make real advancements on the automotive level.  Using solid… Read more »

Solid-state battery innovator Seeo acquired by Bosch

Giant German automotive supplier Bosch has announced that it will acquire the Silicon Valley startup Seeo, a pioneer in solid-state battery technology. Seeo’s cell design combines a solid lithium metal anode with a conventional porous lithium iron phosphate cathode and Seeo’s proprietary DryLite solid polymer electrolyte. Seeo says its cells achieve specific energy of around… Read more »